
It pays to review your super fund. At Concord Private Wealth we can advise you on how to make your Super work for you, by increasing the growth potential and reducing management fees payable to ensure your getting the most out of your investment.

With our super fund reviews we consider and educate you with

  • Identify the amount of fees you are paying within super
  • Whether there are funds with lower fees that you can consider
  • How are the investments within your super fund performing
  • Are there better alternatives for you superannuation investments
  • Are you taking too much risk with your super and what alternatives there are
  • How to contribute extra to Super
  • Reducing your income or self-employed income tax payable

Superannuation is a handy tool to be able to increase your retirement savings. Its handy because the money inside super is in a concessionally taxed environment, as opposed to holding funds outside of super.

Quite often this will work in with our personal insurance (Life, Income Protection, TPD) advice as super funds can hold these types of insurance. The trouble with the cover offered via your superfund is that it is often inadequate in terms of the amount of cover but also when it pays out. There is no point holding insurance that won’t payout when you need it, so that is why we incorporate this into our advice. Of course if you prefer to address just one area  of advice (eg. just insurance) then we can do that too.